Factcheck: Do vitamin C and iodine kill infections?
UNCONFIRMED. DO NOT SHARE. CLAIM: Taking doses of vitamin C and iodine will “kill all microbes”.
UNCONFIRMED. DO NOT SHARE. CLAIM: Taking doses of vitamin C and iodine will “kill all microbes”.
UNCONFIRMED. DO NOT SHARE. CLAIM: Who was the first person (patient zero) to catch the COVID-19 illness?
UNCONFIRMED. DO NOT SHARE. CLAIM: A miracle zinc formula can reduce the severity of coronavirus symptoms.
UNCONFIRMED: DO NOT SHARE CLAIM: Does malaria stop you getting COVID-19?
UNCONFIRMED: DO NOT SHARE CLAIM: Hydroxychloroquine could be a cure for COVID-19. ANSWER: Unconfirmed. There is no proven…
UNCONFIRMED: DO NOT SHARE CLAIM: “People with blood group A are at higher risk of being infected…
UNCONFIRMED: DO NOT SHARE CLAIM: “There seems to be a link between severe cases of Covid19 affecting…