Wearing a face mask helps prevent you from getting COVID-19.
Misleading. Wearing a face mask alone will not prevent transmission of COVID-19, but they may slow the spread of the virus.
Airborne transmission of the Covid-19 virus has not been observed, it is spread through virus-infected water droplets. These water droplets are spread through coughs and sneezes of those infected, and passing the viruses on to infect surfaces that healthy people touch, who then touch their nose or mouth. Wearing a face mask does not protect the wearer from contracting COVID-19 as the infected water droplets are minute (<5μm in diameter), meaning that they can get around the sides of a mouth covering.
The WHO says, “Droplet transmission occurs when a person is in close contact (within 1 metre) with someone who has respiratory symptoms (e.g., coughing or sneezing).” Whilst wearing a face mask is ineffective for the uninfected, there are benefits to wearing one if you think that you may be infected by the virus as you will be less likely to spread it to other people.
If you choose to wear a mask you must wear it and dispose of it properly, please see the WHO website for more information.
WHO: Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19
WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public, When and how to use masks
Origins of Claim
It is important to wear face mask as covid19 is finally certified to be airborne. Japanese doctor using sophisticated camera capture the virus is airborne. Their camera capture 0.1 micro (10,000 times to 1 micro millimetre)